Social Networking: A Purposeful loss of Privacy
Social Networking has evolved into popular Web places where users communicate and share updates, photos, videos with friends. This expedited exchange of information helps create social capital by bringing individuals closer together and sustaining existing relationships. However, media-driven user privacy concerns might harm the self-sustainability of social networking and ultimately destroy their public value. In this project, I will identify the privacy concerns specific to social networking and explores their influences on self-disclosure changing aspects. My field of research will cover what causes loss of privacy using the social network? What are ways of losing privacy? How can people prevent it? I will also look into numbers and charts which will support my thesis.
I agree that there is a loss of privacy in social networks in two ways. One is the way our data is being sent and sold to third parties. The second is the fact that many people themselves choose to share a majority of things in their life, resulting in a purposeful loss of their own privacy. Because of this, I try to limit the amount of information i put out on social media.