Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Blog: Next New

            A type of new media that I believe does not exist and I would suggest is a virtual way for people to see how others’ lives in poverty in a third world country. It is very difficult for people to feel how badly others live in this world. People will never truly understand how they live unless they 'walking in their shoes', that way people could have a better idea of what someone in Sudan, for example, goes through on a daily basis to survive. I am thinking of a type of 'video game' system and it would also be connected to a reputable charity organization which makes a difference in that particular area. Charities could have these 'games' customized to fit their needs and this would have a better effect on people donating than making it commercial that makes people feel guilty and donate that way.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wiki So Far

         I started working on my additions to the Wiki little late, I find it to be very amazing thing. It seems to like an organism that keeps growing an spread knowledge. It is neither positive nor negative, it might not always state the truth and might contain some obvious lies but it is what it is, a collection of the opinions and facts of many. It really is a beautiful thing.
          As of yet I have not contributed much but I have added some information to the social networking and types of privacy threat can we face on social sites. I talked about how social networking can be a purposeful loss of privacy, which was my topic for the term paper. I look forward to contributing more to our Wiki page, and am excited to see what others had to share so I can learn new things.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Blog: P2P

           Wikipedia defines file sharing as distributing or providing access to digitally stored information, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books.
          Also according to Wikipedia “P2P Sharing is a type of regionalized and circulated network construction in which individual nodes in the network called "peers" act as both suppliers and consumers of resources, in difference to the centralized client–server model where client nodes request access to resources provided by central servers”.
          One of the examples of P2P file sharing is BitTorrent. Which allows people to download large files like, movies or shows at well fast speed. In the article 'The BitTorrent Effect' by Clive Thompson, shows how Bram Cohen, who created BitTorrent, can reach these speeds by using technology to download multiple pieces of a file from multiple uploaders all at once, which speed up the process immensely

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blog: Privacy

The issues related to privacy and confidentiality to New Media has become a serious concern in today’s world.  In many corporations, Employees would have to think twice before posting anything on social media.  They even have to check their Facebook pictures if they are appropriate to post online.  Employers have their eyes on at the contents employees are posting.  I believe it is very unfair to have bosses monitor what employees do in social sites. I think its violating their personal life. What employees do outside should not be a concern at their workplace. I am very much the opposite of the idea to check pictures before posting on Facebook. But employees have no choice because they certainly do not want their manager to see those contents on social networks and question their professionalism. I have heard some cases workers are fired because the manager came across there were many inappropriate pictures on Facebook which can affect the company’s reputation and so on.  Therefore, privacy control is very significant in presenting oneself in the field of career. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Blog: Advice

I think Baruch College does a lot of online presence and apply the latest trends in new media to make student life more convenient. But as a student, I think we want things fast and on our fingertips. Something I would like to suggest Baruch is to have their own mobile app. In modern days almost all students have a smartphone and are on it all the time. It is true there’s already a Blackboard app, but the functions are very narrow. A few times I tried using blackboard to look up my grade and couldn’t open. With a Baruch app, students could be given automatic alerts for school when school is close or a changed schedule for a day. For example, next Tuesday will follow a Monday schedule. The app would alert us when a teacher put up our grades or has any announcements, like canceled class. I feel it would be way more helpful than having to log on to CUNY Portal then Blackboard through our phones.